
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey ferries,

So I just got back on sunday from the Real Food challenge Northeast training near Boston, and it was awesome. I'll tell all you guys about it in two days when I move in, but I just wanted to pose an idea on here for the record- some people were talking about how fairly early in september, people all across the county are holding eat-ins which are like picnics, potlucks or something of the sort to raise awareness about food-related issues. Vanessa and I both separately thought of the idea of Ferry hosting some kind of eat in, or really just having it ourselves and inviting whoever else wants to come. Since i'm the local food intern for the sustainability committee this year i'm going to be working with these issues a lot, and I thought it might be something other members of ferry house would be interested in doing. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello all!

This is Katie reporting from scenic White Plains, NY. I'm spending this waning August day getting my things together for moving in on Saturday (can somebody please tell me where this summer went?) and reading your blog posts and getting super excited about meeting you all.

I spent this summer interning with the Westchester Philharmonic Orchestra, going on many many bike rides, playing musicz, reading, star gazing, and having trampoline parties and various adventures.

This is a picture of me and my friends Matt and Sam setting up an 18 foot kayak in our friend's bedroom while he was out of town:

I can't wait to be living in Ferry with everyone. See you soon!


Cookbooks are friends not food.. wait.. they're food too.. uhmmm....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hola chicas y chicos- so when Bri started this blog she said we could include, among other things, "minor miracles".


I think I have just witnessed one and it will benefit us all: I just purchased Mollie Katzen's cookbook, "Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without" for our haus, for a whopping $1.65 on amazon!! Can I get an "amen"? I hope you're as excited about this purchase as I am- I will definitely be using this wonderful book to make, say, asparagus crepes with warm tarragon-pecan vinaigrette, or eggplant enchiladas. yum. that is all for now.

peace out homefries,

Hello everyone!

I'm Serena, writing from the marvelous land of Oregon, where the Shakespeare festival in Ashland is taking place. Last night we saw Henry VIII, and tonight will be Servant of Two Masters. There's also an excellent co-op in Ashland, and we will be buying & cooking delicious local organic food!

I've spent the summer working in the confines of business casual in a tax office, from which I've now escaped! and otherwise have been spending time baking, reading, writing oodles of letters, night-time-beach-walking, sewing an eight-foot-giant squid for my friend Irene's TA, and cleaning up after my brothers, who generate more mess than I thought was possible. Here they are, behind the ROC:

Last year I was Mr Jeremy Teperman's fellow student fellow in Joss, and have cultivated the instinct to keep my door open. I also did this thing last year when I had a cute animal of the week on my door, so that may make a reappearance. I'll have an overflowing tea drawer, so I hope many impromptu tea parties will take place.

I'm a drama design major and an orchestra dork, and thus will be spending many hours in any one of three theaters and the majority of my time in the design studio of the CDF or in Skinner.

I am terribly excited to meet all of you and for this coming year. Hooray!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This is Bri, shamelessly plagiarizing Chloe's email ... mostly because no one's posted on the blog in a while and I'm sad, but also because it'll explain the new poll I've just added ...

A hoy hoy!
Chloe here, sitting in a Lathrop room eating chocolate and almonds, excited as hell to be returning to our wonderful nation Ferry*FuckYeah for my second year. I've been at Vassar this summer, romping around the Ecological Preserve as Keri Vancamp's research assitant, dodging ticks, snakes, and bats and hugging plenty of trees (to measure them of course!). This is all coming to a close, as I will be leaving this Friday. For yall that will be moving in early, I gave Vanessa Raditz the go ahead to pick up my farm share next tuesday, which I hope will be shared by all - Only one rule - none of it can go to waste!

I am also e-mailing you all to start thinking about some things coming up real soon. Mainly, the FERRY HAUS RETREAT! This is an event where we all get together, talk, eat, and do something fun. It's a time to talk about consensus, our goals for the Haus, and voice questions/concerns. It is also a time where we can get dressed up in costumes and go disco roller-blading (For example)! Last semester, we talked about scheduling this early, before people had plans so that we don't let it disappear into time, so I'm gonna start that up right now. This should happen in either the first or second weekend, so I will suggest the following dates:

Sunday, August 30th
Thursday evening, September 3rd
Friday, September 4th
Saturday, September 5th
Sunday, September 6th

This will only be on one date and only for a few hours. Hmmm, maybe everyone should get out their calenders and post the days and times they can and can't do retreat on the blog? I'm a little bit internet-challenged, so does anyone want to make a special section for posting RSVPs? Reply to all if you will do this/have ideas for what to do for the retreat/ have other ideas on how to organize. I hope this works!
excited to meet you all,

Bri here. Look to your left and answer Chloe's question, and soon we'll have a date! Hurray!

Ranger Danger

Sunday, July 19, 2009

 Hey Ferry Friends--

I'm Alison. I'm a sophomore from Newton, Massachusetts. I'm spending my summer working at CVS ("Hi, thank you for calling CVS/Pharmacy Newtonville where the customer always comes first, this is Alison speaking, how may I help you?") This will be my second semester in Ferry. <3 

This past weekend I went on an adventure to Maine to take my sister on tours of colleges. Since one of our fun ferry friends, Cody, lives in Portland, my sister and I planned to stay there. To my delight, Bri (my roommate from last semester), chose the same exact weekend to visit!

What ensued was a magical weekend full of Ferry fun.

Pictured here is Bri, Cody, and I looking at beautiful Portland, Maine.

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Aren't we just soo adorable?

Cody showed us around the city and we went to an art supply store, the Art Mart, which sold sandwiches for $3.50 (best deal in town!).

On Saturday afternoon Cody had to work, so Bri, Emily (my sister), and I wandered around.  We decided that we wanted to find a nice beach, so my sister and I "followed the tingling of our breasts" (that's what we call it) and we drove around with Bri until we ran into the most beautiful state park beach ever. 

We talked to a beautiful park ranger (who we honorarily named Damien) and were mildy dismayed to learn that it cost $4.50 each to get in. He then said "That will be $9 please" and we awkwardly realized that he didn't see Bri in the backseat. I now have really bad karma for sneaking Bri into a state park. (I'm sorry Damien, please forgive me baby, I didn't mean to hurt you like that! I did you wrong, honey bear!). I guess Damien and I were never meant for each other. 

Anyways, this beach made my life.

I frolicked in the water and splashed around and floated. It was one of the most refreshing beach experiences that I've ever had. (One of my fears is being in water where I can't see or feel the bottom, so I kept on swimming out too far, freaking myself out, and coming back in.)

This is Bri with a real state park ranger behind her!

This is my sister and I. She's the one who looks like a model and has a runner's tan. I'm the one wearing my 10-year-old cousin's dress. Srsly. 

Anyhoo, I'm wicked tired from romping around Maine, and I think it's my bedtime. I want all of you Ferries to write posts so I can read them and smile!




HI from HI

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So...I'm Grace, and I'm a rising Junior majoring in film. I'm from Springfield, Missouri (birthplace of Brad Pitt and Bob Barker!) but I'm currently in Honolulu, Hawai'i. (Birthplace--somewhat disputed--of our dear President!)

I'm one of three pre-production interns for Professor Kathleen Man's indie short, "Lychee Thieves." ( This means I'm basically just making a lot of tax Excel spreadsheets, calling a bunch of people about casting and housing, and stapling fliers to telephone poles in Chinatown. And then I fuckin' go swimming in the sea!!

I won't actually be on set when they start principal photography, because I'm flying back to New York on August 25th. That's right...I'm moving into Ferry early. I think I'm going to go camping for a few days. There's an ice cave in Ulster County I want to see.

<- So this is me, at the exact moment I accidentally murdered my cell phone in a rogue wave at the Halona Blowhole (I'm to the left of the wooden pole, barely visible as I cling on for dear life).

And this is me on the b-roll shoot last month (we had to get footage of the lychee fruit when it was ripe). I'm on the right, a disgruntled Sung Dynasty peasant from 900 AD.

I love set decoration, the Outing Club, Barnes and Noble (my second home; I never buy anything but my record is spending seven hours there in one day), and eating whole ripe tomatoes. I've discovered I really dislike long walks on the beach by moonlight, because sand is exhausting.

Bri's email got me really excited about life next year! Can't wait to (re)meet all you'uns soon.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello everyone! My name is Jeremy... I'm a rising junior, geography major, I love streams, carob-flavored things, finger lickin' raspberries, finger-pickin' guitar, and roaming Vassar campus on cool summer nights, watching the stars and fireflies and the sun set from the Earth Circle by the new observatory. The first picture is my and my mom at this awesome botanical garden type place overlooking the Hudson in the Bronx, and the second one is the Coxing Kill, a stream I spend a lot of time at for work this summer in the Mohonk Preserve near New Paltz. I'm staying on campus this summer doing URSI with Kirsten Menking, an Earth Science professor, who I love. we're researching lots of stuff about streams in Dutchess and Ulster counties.. so I often find myself in chest waders, waist deep in casperkill muck. yummmm! Vassar during the summer is really excellent for the most part- at first it is maddeningly quiet and slow, especially right after finals week ends, but soon you get used to it and begin enjoying the slower pace of life, the warmer weather, the extra time to just sit on the quad or go out for ice cream, and the BEAUTY of the campus over the summer. it's great.
Anyway I'm super excited to meet all of you and get to know you all better in september. Oh, and I'm living in 212.

much love,

p.s. The album "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake is making my life right now-- so perfect

Postcard from Peru

This is what I mean by a Ferry Postcard. Like the email you got from Alison, show us who you are, where you are, and what you're up to!

This is me in transit from Cusco to Pisac, Peru! My camera got lost while I was there so you'll see a lot of this one photo until my friends from the trip post the rest of their shots. Anyway, I love adventuring, from Ferry to anywhere, whether it be Sunset Lake, the Vassar Farm, New Paltz, Portland, ME, or Cusco, Peru! I also love hearing about other people's adventures, so tell me yours!


Hi everyone, and welcome to the grand opening of the brand new Ferry House blog! Ok, so, there's nothing here yet, but, with the help of all of you, that will shortly change.

My hope for this blog is that it becomes another aspect of what Ferry does best: community. Ideally, it will be a discussion-style common space where we can all sit down together and figure stuff out -- everything from dates for FRAN nights, to special projects and committees, to new songs for the Haus Band, to what is actually the funniest/cutest/weirdest video on YouTube. Use it to find a ride to the train station next weekend, to find out if it's alright with everyone if you host some friends next Tuesday, use it to share recipes and photos and your brilliant late-night insights into the newest ways to make us the most sustainable we've ever been. Use it to get to make living in Ferry simpler, easier, more fun, dreamier, wilder, and just better. I know you thought it couldn't be any better -- but here it comes.

First and foremost, let's use it to get to know each other! Send us a Ferry Postcard, by replying to this post with a picture of yourself doing whatever fabulous thing you're doing this summer, and a few lines as to who you are, where you are, and what you want us to know about you. We can do round-two of postcards in August, and by move-in, maybe we'll start to recognize each other a bit. (Oh hey, I know her, she's that crazy girl who spent her summer training elephants for the circus and growing organic peaunuts to increase sustainability at Ringling Bros.! Cool!) And in the meantime (and always) help me make this space better. I've never had a blog or website of any kind before, so I need all of your help to make it work!

peace, peanuts, and ferrylove b