HI from HI

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So...I'm Grace, and I'm a rising Junior majoring in film. I'm from Springfield, Missouri (birthplace of Brad Pitt and Bob Barker!) but I'm currently in Honolulu, Hawai'i. (Birthplace--somewhat disputed--of our dear President!)

I'm one of three pre-production interns for Professor Kathleen Man's indie short, "Lychee Thieves." (http://lycheethieves.com) This means I'm basically just making a lot of tax Excel spreadsheets, calling a bunch of people about casting and housing, and stapling fliers to telephone poles in Chinatown. And then I fuckin' go swimming in the sea!!

I won't actually be on set when they start principal photography, because I'm flying back to New York on August 25th. That's right...I'm moving into Ferry early. I think I'm going to go camping for a few days. There's an ice cave in Ulster County I want to see.

<- So this is me, at the exact moment I accidentally murdered my cell phone in a rogue wave at the Halona Blowhole (I'm to the left of the wooden pole, barely visible as I cling on for dear life).

And this is me on the b-roll shoot last month (we had to get footage of the lychee fruit when it was ripe). I'm on the right, a disgruntled Sung Dynasty peasant from 900 AD.

I love set decoration, the Outing Club, Barnes and Noble (my second home; I never buy anything but my record is spending seven hours there in one day), and eating whole ripe tomatoes. I've discovered I really dislike long walks on the beach by moonlight, because sand is exhausting.

Bri's email got me really excited about life next year! Can't wait to (re)meet all you'uns soon.
