Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello everyone!

I'm Serena, writing from the marvelous land of Oregon, where the Shakespeare festival in Ashland is taking place. Last night we saw Henry VIII, and tonight will be Servant of Two Masters. There's also an excellent co-op in Ashland, and we will be buying & cooking delicious local organic food!

I've spent the summer working in the confines of business casual in a tax office, from which I've now escaped! and otherwise have been spending time baking, reading, writing oodles of letters, night-time-beach-walking, sewing an eight-foot-giant squid for my friend Irene's TA, and cleaning up after my brothers, who generate more mess than I thought was possible. Here they are, behind the ROC:

Last year I was Mr Jeremy Teperman's fellow student fellow in Joss, and have cultivated the instinct to keep my door open. I also did this thing last year when I had a cute animal of the week on my door, so that may make a reappearance. I'll have an overflowing tea drawer, so I hope many impromptu tea parties will take place.

I'm a drama design major and an orchestra dork, and thus will be spending many hours in any one of three theaters and the majority of my time in the design studio of the CDF or in Skinner.

I am terribly excited to meet all of you and for this coming year. Hooray!


jerbear said...

yay past student fellowness! serena I hope I see more of you this year now that I'm actually living within eye-shot of you. also, can we please exchange letters?